High-Performance Lubrication Drives Automotive Innovation

Eliminate NVH Without Compromising Other Materials

The automotive industry is changing. To stay competitive, you need to change with it. Consumers are demanding faster, lighter, smaller vehicles―which translates into smaller, hotter-running engines. This informative eBook, Choosing the Right Automotive Lubricant: Ensuring Optimal Performance for Extended Vehicle Life, takes you through the factors you need to consider when selecting an automotive lubricant to keep up with these demands. You’ll learn which lubricants:

  • Reduce assembly costs and warranty claims
  • Combat buzz, squeak, and rattle (BSR) for a quiet ride
  • Deliver high performance without damaging surrounding materials

How does your lubricant stack up?

An infographic for comparison lubricant capabilities.

A clear breakdown of the pros and cons of each lubricant—along with a review of their physical and chemical properties—gives you all the information you need to choose a lubricant that outperforms every time. 

Download this complimentary eBook today and discover how to achieve long-term value from your lubrication.